First Date

“How long has it been?” I asked Hubby.

“36 years,” he replied.

I was just days shy of my 19th birthday. We had become friends in class. Spring Break had arrived and he was staying on campus. I lived in town. He was newly single. My dad saw us talking when he came to pick me up to take me home, inquired about him and then said, “you should ask him over for dinner.”

My reply was, “I did.”

Our first date was on March 19, 1977 – he dropped by for supper and then we went bowling.

He commented on my curves.  You see, I can’t bowl straight.  The ball always curves and so I had to learn to adjust my placement when releasing the ball.

Gutter balls are my specialty.

I bowled a 27 and a 36 that evening.  And, apparently bowled him over as well.

We’ve been a couple ever since.

Our road has not been easy, but I would not give up a single bump, pot hole, or detour.  The miles we’ve traveled together have made us the couple we are today.

And, though we remember our First Date on its anniversary, we revel in the memories we are creating each day.


I love you, Hubby!
