
What a wonderful way to celebrate my birthday – World Meteorological Day.

I have a definite affinity to all things weather wise.

Excuse me – the sun’s shining and the sky is clear blue.  I’m going to celebrate.  I’ll let you guess what. 🙂

Depression (Tropical)

For the past 30 something years I eagerly anticipated June 1 with an acute watchfulness that bordered on excessive.

Beginning in May, I researched predictions for the upcoming hurricane season and began my daily summer routine of checking the tropical weather page at NOAA.

My motto was to be forewarned is to be forearmed.

We lived 1 1/2 hour from the beach and a watchful eye to the sky was prudent.

Last Autumn, we moved 500 miles from our beloved coastline and 650 miles from our favorite beach.

With tropical weather no longer on my radar, I focused on other weather patterns that affect my life here.

May came and went and I gave no thought to my usual hurricane preparedness habits.

Imagine my surprise when, checking weather online, I clicked the US map to gain a wider view of rain that might impact us and saw a tropical something swirling in the Gulf!

Andrea had formed and I was unaware.

Not only that, but hurricane season had begun and I’d not given it a thought – until I saw Andrea!

Tracking tropical systems was a hobby that I enjoyed. But, it was more than a hobby – it was a necessary part of living a prepared life.

Yes, it’s a hobby I can continue here – but it’s not one that will impact me or my life.  I’ve tried – it feels a bit empty and doesn’t bring the pleasure it once did. …sad….

In time, I’m certain something will slip in and take the place of hurricane season watchfulness.

Perhaps it already has.

A quick check of the garden yesterday revealed the last things planted (beans, watermelons, sunflowers) are up and have opened their cotyledons.

Gardening season lasts about the same length of time as hurricane season (6 months), but begins in April (here) and runs through the end of September.

You know…there’s no reason why I can’t have two hobbies – gardening AND tropical weather.

I’ve no intention of allowing depression to slip in – or a depression to slip past me.  Hobbies are good for the mind and body.

Let’s see…what’s on the tropical horizon?  Ah…I see a low pressure area associated with a tropical wave in the Atlantic that has a low possibility (1%) of developing within the next 48 hours.

It looks like Barry won’t be following close on the heels of Andrea.  That’s okay – I have all summer to watch for him, and for the others that will form.

Interested in tracking tropical systems?  Click on the links below.